Small English desk (child’s desk?) with porcelain inlays,

according to back of a bronze mount, designed and produced by Blake circa 1850, after designs by the French master ébéniste Martin Carlin (1730 - 1785) ebony veneered oak cabinet on tapered feet, rich parcel-gilt bronze mounts and porcelain inlays, tulipwood veneered interior drawer and fall-front with gold-embossed leather writing surface, white marble top, 117 x 76 x 36 cm, restored condition. (DOC) This small desk is strongly reminiscent of the work of the French cabinetmaker M. Carlin, who dealt with important and illustrious clients. The designer and cabinetmaker Blake from London was likely to have been very strongly inspired by Carlin, which would also correspond to the fashion trend of that time -- the French interior style set the tone of the period around 1850! The "Blake" signature stamp on the back of bronze mount pieces can also be seen on a Boulle-style pair of commodes in the New York Frick Collection.
Expert: Alexander Doczy
Alexander Doczy
+43-1-515 60-302
13.10.2010 - 15:00
- Odhadní cena:
EUR 30.000,- do EUR 40.000,-
Small English desk (child’s desk?) with porcelain inlays,
according to back of a bronze mount, designed and produced by Blake circa 1850, after designs by the French master ébéniste Martin Carlin (1730 - 1785) ebony veneered oak cabinet on tapered feet, rich parcel-gilt bronze mounts and porcelain inlays, tulipwood veneered interior drawer and fall-front with gold-embossed leather writing surface, white marble top, 117 x 76 x 36 cm, restored condition. (DOC) This small desk is strongly reminiscent of the work of the French cabinetmaker M. Carlin, who dealt with important and illustrious clients. The designer and cabinetmaker Blake from London was likely to have been very strongly inspired by Carlin, which would also correspond to the fashion trend of that time -- the French interior style set the tone of the period around 1850! The "Blake" signature stamp on the back of bronze mount pieces can also be seen on a Boulle-style pair of commodes in the New York Frick Collection.
Expert: Alexander Doczy
Alexander Doczy
+43-1-515 60-302
Horká linka kupujících
Po-Pá: 9.00 - 18.00 +43 1 515 60 200 |
Aukce: | Antiquitäten (Möbel, Silber) |
Typ aukce: | Salónní aukce |
Datum: | 13.10.2010 - 15:00 |
Místo konání aukce: | Wien | Palais Dorotheum |
Prohlídka: | 02.10. - 13.10.2010 |