A vase, Johann Lötz Witwe, Klostermühle, second half of the 1930s
clear glass, with citrus yellow underlay; pre-blown optical pattern in a twelve-piece ribbed mould, wrapped in black, the threads above the cavities separated by heating and blowing, blown in a closed mould and shaped; height 25 cm. (SH)
Expert: Mag. Sandra Hipfinger
Mag. Sandra Hipfinger
17.01.2025 - 16:15
- Dosažená cena: **
EUR 320,-
- Vyvolávací cena:
EUR 150,-
A vase, Johann Lötz Witwe, Klostermühle, second half of the 1930s
clear glass, with citrus yellow underlay; pre-blown optical pattern in a twelve-piece ribbed mould, wrapped in black, the threads above the cavities separated by heating and blowing, blown in a closed mould and shaped; height 25 cm. (SH)
Expert: Mag. Sandra Hipfinger
Mag. Sandra Hipfinger
Horká linka kupujících
Po-Pá: 10.00 - 17.00
kundendienst@dorotheum.at +43 1 515 60 200 |
Aukce: | Secese a umění 20. století |
Typ aukce: | Online aukce |
Datum: | 17.01.2025 - 16:15 |
Místo konání aukce: | Wien | Palais Dorotheum |
Prohlídka: | 10.01 - 17.01.2025 |
** Kupní cena bez kupní ceny a DPH
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