Čís. položky 273

A vase with copper mount, Gräflich Harrach'sche Glasfabrik, Neuwelt, c. 1900

so-called aventurine glass; clear glass, green glass underlay with melted mica powder; mould-blown; the side with copper mount with openwork geometric decoration; three decorative cabochons of light green glass; copper mount with signs of age and use; height 12.3 cm. (SH)

Expert: Mag. Sandra Hipfinger Mag. Sandra Hipfinger


17.01.2025 - 16:16

Dosažená cena: **
EUR 150,-
Vyvolávací cena:
EUR 150,-

A vase with copper mount, Gräflich Harrach'sche Glasfabrik, Neuwelt, c. 1900

so-called aventurine glass; clear glass, green glass underlay with melted mica powder; mould-blown; the side with copper mount with openwork geometric decoration; three decorative cabochons of light green glass; copper mount with signs of age and use; height 12.3 cm. (SH)

Expert: Mag. Sandra Hipfinger Mag. Sandra Hipfinger


Horká linka kupujících Po-Pá: 10.00 - 17.00

+43 1 515 60 200
Aukce: Secese a umění 20. století
Typ aukce: Online aukce
Datum: 17.01.2025 - 16:16
Místo konání aukce: Wien | Palais Dorotheum
Prohlídka: 10.01 - 17.01.2025

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