Lotto No. 11

A pair of old-cut brilliant earrings, total weight c. 2 ct

A pair of old-cut brilliant earrings, total weight c. 2 ct - Gioielli

rose gold 585, silver c. 800, workmanship c. 1900, 3.6 g, with case

Esperta: Alessandra Thornton Alessandra Thornton
+43-1-515 60-204

28.11.2018 - 14:00

EUR 4.500,- a EUR 5.500,-

A pair of old-cut brilliant earrings, total weight c. 2 ct

rose gold 585, silver c. 800, workmanship c. 1900, 3.6 g, with case

Esperta: Alessandra Thornton Alessandra Thornton
+43-1-515 60-204

Hotline dell'acquirente lun-ven: 10.00 - 17.00

+43 1 515 60 200
Asta: Gioielli
Tipo d'asta: Asta in sala
Data: 28.11.2018 - 14:00
Luogo dell'asta: Wien | Palais Dorotheum
Esposizione: 10.11. - 28.11.2018