Lotto No. 197

Richard Riemerschmid, a rattan armchair for Theodor Reimann’s “Fabrik kunstgewerblicher Korbmöbel”, Dresden, 1905/06 and a rattan armchair with ottoman, for the same factory, Dresden, c. 1912

the armchair designed by Riemerschmid features a rectangular backrest throughout in the upper area and open armrests; wood construction with woven rattan and covering, patinated; professionally restored; signs of age and use; measurements of the armchair by Richard Riemerschmid: height 82.5 cm, height of seat 43.5 cm, width 57.0 cm, depth 54.5 cm; size of armchair (without attribution): height 87.0 cm, height of seat 44.0 cm, width 73.5 cm, depth 63.0 cm; size of stool: height 45.0 cm, length 40.5 cm, width 39.0 cm. (MP) Literature: about the rattan armchair by Richard Riemerschmid: Theodor Reimann factory catalogue, Dresden, 1905/06, nos 136-138; Löbbecke apartment, Breslau, no. 139; Breakfast room in the passenger ship “Kronprinzessin Cäcilie”, no. 218; hall of the Fürstliches Kurhotel in Kassel, no. 221; these illustrations in: Ottillinger, Korbmöbel, 1990, p. 16, p. 123, p. 170 and p. 173; Deutsche Kunst, 1909, ill. p. 225; Haenel, Tscharmann, Die Wohnung der Neuzeit, Leipzig 1908, ill. p. 197; Münchner Stadtmuseum, Richard Riemerschmid vom Jugendstil zum Werkbund, Werke und Dokumente, p. 189.

Esperta: Dr. Magda Pfabigan, M.A. Dr. Magda Pfabigan, M.A.
+43-1-515 60-383

16.12.2024 - 15:38

Prezzo realizzato: **
EUR 2.860,-
EUR 2.200,- a EUR 3.000,-
Prezzo di partenza:
EUR 2.200,-

Richard Riemerschmid, a rattan armchair for Theodor Reimann’s “Fabrik kunstgewerblicher Korbmöbel”, Dresden, 1905/06 and a rattan armchair with ottoman, for the same factory, Dresden, c. 1912

the armchair designed by Riemerschmid features a rectangular backrest throughout in the upper area and open armrests; wood construction with woven rattan and covering, patinated; professionally restored; signs of age and use; measurements of the armchair by Richard Riemerschmid: height 82.5 cm, height of seat 43.5 cm, width 57.0 cm, depth 54.5 cm; size of armchair (without attribution): height 87.0 cm, height of seat 44.0 cm, width 73.5 cm, depth 63.0 cm; size of stool: height 45.0 cm, length 40.5 cm, width 39.0 cm. (MP) Literature: about the rattan armchair by Richard Riemerschmid: Theodor Reimann factory catalogue, Dresden, 1905/06, nos 136-138; Löbbecke apartment, Breslau, no. 139; Breakfast room in the passenger ship “Kronprinzessin Cäcilie”, no. 218; hall of the Fürstliches Kurhotel in Kassel, no. 221; these illustrations in: Ottillinger, Korbmöbel, 1990, p. 16, p. 123, p. 170 and p. 173; Deutsche Kunst, 1909, ill. p. 225; Haenel, Tscharmann, Die Wohnung der Neuzeit, Leipzig 1908, ill. p. 197; Münchner Stadtmuseum, Richard Riemerschmid vom Jugendstil zum Werkbund, Werke und Dokumente, p. 189.

Esperta: Dr. Magda Pfabigan, M.A. Dr. Magda Pfabigan, M.A.
+43-1-515 60-383

Hotline dell'acquirente lun-ven: 10.00 - 17.00

+43 1 515 60 200
Asta: Jugendstil e arte applicata del XX secolo
Tipo d'asta: Asta online
Data: 16.12.2024 - 15:38
Luogo dell'asta: Wien | Palais Dorotheum
Esposizione: 07.12. - 16.12.2024

** Prezzo d’acquisto comprensivo dei diritti d’asta acquirente e IVA

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