Lotto No. 422

Mutter Theresa,

indische Ordensschwester und Missionarin. 1910 - 1997. Masch. B. m. U. und e. Nachschrift ("God bless you"), Calcutta, Juli 1994, 1 S., qu.-kl.-8vo., zusammen mit Porträtphotographie unter Passepartout verglast und gerahmt.

"Dear Mike, Thank you for the beautiful gift of "Prayers" for me and my Sisters. We need them so much to be a real instruments of God's Love for all those we meet on our way. As you know dear Myke, the work is God's work- we are only an instruments in His hand: a small pencil. The more we allow Him to use us freely the more He can do with us for the Glory of His Church and for the poor. Keep the Joy of Loving Jesus in your heart and share this Joy with all you meet. God Loves you much and He will reward you for all the good you are doing. I will pray for you and your Family".

Esperto: Mag. Andreas Löbbecke Mag. Andreas Löbbecke
+43-1-515 60-389

23.06.2023 - 17:20

Prezzo realizzato: **
EUR 320,-
Prezzo di partenza:
EUR 300,-

Mutter Theresa,

indische Ordensschwester und Missionarin. 1910 - 1997. Masch. B. m. U. und e. Nachschrift ("God bless you"), Calcutta, Juli 1994, 1 S., qu.-kl.-8vo., zusammen mit Porträtphotographie unter Passepartout verglast und gerahmt.

"Dear Mike, Thank you for the beautiful gift of "Prayers" for me and my Sisters. We need them so much to be a real instruments of God's Love for all those we meet on our way. As you know dear Myke, the work is God's work- we are only an instruments in His hand: a small pencil. The more we allow Him to use us freely the more He can do with us for the Glory of His Church and for the poor. Keep the Joy of Loving Jesus in your heart and share this Joy with all you meet. God Loves you much and He will reward you for all the good you are doing. I will pray for you and your Family".

Esperto: Mag. Andreas Löbbecke Mag. Andreas Löbbecke
+43-1-515 60-389

Hotline dell'acquirente lun-ven: 10.00 - 17.00

+43 1 515 60 323
Asta: Autografi, manoscritti, documenti
Tipo d'asta: Asta online
Data: 23.06.2023 - 17:20
Luogo dell'asta: 19.06. - 23.06.2023
Esposizione: 19.06. - 23.06.2023

** Prezzo di acquisto, esclusa la tassa e l'IVA dell'acquirente

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